API Reference

Execute Agent


Executes one Agent inference step. Given a list of messages and a list of tools to ask for help from, the Agent will either respond with a final answer directly or ask the user to execute a tool to provide more information.


An Agent is a component that utilizes a Language Model (LLM) as an interpreter and decision maker. Unlike asking an LLM for a direct response, communicating with an agent consists of a running dialogue where an agent can optionally ask the user to execute specialized tools for specific tasks, such as calculations, web searches, or accessing custom data from private knowledge bases.

An agent is designed to be stateless, emitting outputs one step at a time. This means that client-side applications are responsible for managing message history, tool execution, and responses. This grants users greater flexibility to write and execute custom tools and maintain explicit control over their message history.

Message Types

  • User Message: A message from the user to the agent.
  • System Message: An informational text message from the system to guide the agent. It is not a user message or agent message because it did not come from either entity.
  • Agent Message: A message from the agent to the client. It will contain either a final answer as content or a request for the user to execute a tool as a tool_request.
  • Tool Message: A message from the user to the agent that contains the output of a tool execution. The tool message will be processed by the agent and the agent will respond with either a final answer or another tool request.

Agent Instructions

Instructions are used to guide the agent's decision making process and output generation.

Good prompt engineering is crucial to getting performant results from the agent. If you are having trouble getting the agent to perform well, try writing more specific instructions before trying more expensive techniques such as swapping in other models or finetuning the underlying LLM.

For example, the default instructions we set for the agent are the following:

You are an AI assistant that helps users with their questions. You can answer questions directly or acquire information from any of the attached tools to assist you. Always answer the user's most recent query to the best of your knowledge.

When asked about what tools are available, you must list each attached tool's name and description. When asked about what you can do, mention that in addition to your normal capabilities, you can also use the attached tools by listing their names and descriptions. You cannot use any other tools other than the ones provided to you explicitly.

Restrictions and Limits

Message Limits:

  • The message list is not limited by length, but by the context limit of the underlying language model. If you are getting an error regarding the underlying model's context limit, try using a memory strategy to condense the input messages.

Model Restrictions:

  • Currently, only closed source models like GPT and Claude are supported due to the limitations of open source models when it comes to tool selection, generating tool arguments in valid JSON, and planning out multi-step tool execution. Specialized fine-tuning will likely be required to make open source models compatible with agents.
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